As lots of people are telling you, your sprites are dam good and thanks a lot for that. It allow devs to have something that look cool and not square everywhere
Do you plan to add more environnement ? Like desert, snow, etc.. ?
well, maybe, idk if i gonna continue work on this pack in specific, but i'm starting to work on a top-down pack that will have some variation on the scenery
I am having problems with the attack animation using Godot, when use the animation player I only get half of the attack animation, when I use the animated sprite the collision doesn't match up. So is it ok to change the main character attack animation to be like the enemies, it only takes up 1 space instead of 2? if you can't change it its ok, if you can thankyou very much.
This is such an amazing sprite pack, since I am a beginner at making games I am so happy that I found this sprite pack in the first place. keep up the good work!
Valeu man! Eu vi que vc me seguiu no twitter e eu até curti a postagem, achei interessante o projeto. Eu to interessado em participar, se quiser me chamar na dm do twitter fique a vontade ou me manda no
you need to set the sprite to "multiple" in the propriety and then you need to select "Sprite Editor", Slice. Search on the web for better instructions
fica na sua escolha manin, eu recomendo usar a construct, ela é mais simples e não envolve mto código, mas da uma pesquisada antes pra vc entender melhor como funciona certinho :)
You should add an _ too. I was gonna use this font on my credits like I used the whole game, but I have a name with Q, and you're o_lobster so, I guess I gotta use a different one :D.
ei, vi a pagina lá, mas não to conseguindo resgatar o código :(, mas pelo que vi no trailer o jogo ta parecendo ser bem legal e divertido, tu conseguiu desenvolver exatamente do jeito que eu imaginava que o jogo seria :D bom trabalho manin, continue assim!!
Tenta esses YE91YBEQTSUAF813EYTMENP EDN2CSTESGG6ZE56QP6D17V S3AUGDB2REFZ2RHDUJRWCT9 Na tela inicial, coloquei seu nome nos créditos. Se o jogo fizer algum dinheiro pretendo retornar uma parte para vc em forma de doação. Abraços.
Heey! Good job man! nice song tho, and nice use of the assets aswell, it would be very cool to see an more worked level design, but anyway, best of luck for you! ;D
Hello! I used this asset pack to make a turn-based artillery game like Worms and Gunbound, ended up with "Bombs = Magic" :) I hope I used your asset pack well :)
nice work man! i really like this type of game :D i hope you make great use of my asset aswell, if you manage to add more types of bombs it would be nice, keep up the good work! :)
hey, congrats! unfortunately my pc is an old potato, so I can't open the executable :( but in the future I'll play and give my thoughts :D BEST OF LUCK FOR YOU!
well, these 2 packs were my first personal work, and tbh they weren't very difficult to do because I trained pixel art for a while, then I saw the opportunity to do assets and I just did. I think it was just lucky that they became popular. Idk if this answers your question
Okay, great! I really love your style, by the way. I'm thinking of making a micro-metroidvania that I can pump out in a few weeks of work, after a little bit of planning. This'll definitely be my go-to if I decide to run with it.
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Oh, that's cool pack! Thx for we can use that in commercial projects, o-lobster!
thank you!
hey man this is cool could i get in touch with you i want to make a mobile game. I like you to make the assets for my game. Thanks
okay! :)
Thanks man,
your sprites were really helpful
glad i could help! :) thanks
As lots of people are telling you, your sprites are dam good and thanks a lot for that. It allow devs to have something that look cool and not square everywhere
Do you plan to add more environnement ? Like desert, snow, etc.. ?
thank you! :)
well, maybe, idk if i gonna continue work on this pack in specific, but i'm starting to work on a top-down pack that will have some variation on the scenery
How many fps is the animations?
in the folder with the sprites there is a .pgn file called strip with some number on the front, that's the frame of the sprite
Oh ok thanks!
I liked it a lot, is it necessary to credit you?
thanks! ;)
well, only if you want
This is such a good pack! Thank you!
Thank you! :)
Man, I have no words to say how grateful I am for these Sprites. They are amazing, good job!
i have no words to thank you enough! :D
ENJOY!! :)
Hi, Can I use this sprite pack in my game for the competition ??
of course! :D
Hi!, loved the asset pack.
can i modify the sprites?
yeah sure, just dont resell or repost somewhere.
thanks! :)
I am having problems with the attack animation using Godot, when use the animation player I only get half of the attack animation, when I use the animated sprite the collision doesn't match up. So is it ok to change the main character attack animation to be like the enemies, it only takes up 1 space instead of 2? if you can't change it its ok, if you can thankyou very much.
well, i can send to you just the animation of the char, but you will have to add the swing effect, what do you think?
actually, i gonna put on a zip, you can download, and the sprites will have (new) on the side
Sure, also thanks for doing this for me :)
This is such an amazing sprite pack, since I am a beginner at making games I am so happy that I found this sprite pack in the first place. keep up the good work!
this make me very happy! im glad to help ;) good luck!
Nice bro
thanks bro
Muito bom!!! Parabéns!!!
Olha, estou finalizando um projeto pra Steam, e preciso finalizar algumas pixel arts, se tiver interesse em paticipar me fala.
Aqui um video:
Valeu man! Eu vi que vc me seguiu no twitter e eu até curti a postagem, achei interessante o projeto. Eu to interessado em participar, se quiser me chamar na dm do twitter fique a vontade ou me manda no
are you able to use this for unity, if so how? (i dont know how to put the character into one sprite to animate)
Sorry, but i can't help you with this :( i recommend you to see some tutorials on how to use 2d sprites on Unity.
you need to set the sprite to "multiple" in the propriety and then you need to select "Sprite Editor", Slice. Search on the web for better instructions
Nossa, que obra!!! Top demais, cara.
Parabéns, achei que fosse gringo, ficou de alto nível.
fico totalmente lisonjeado com seu elogio hehe :D, obrigado por isso!
Very epic pack
thank you!! :D
incrivel seu trabalho fico feliz que tem brs fazendo pixelart boa
valeu cara, fico feliz com o elogio :D espero melhorar muito ainda pra ser considerado um bom artista. :P
para qual game engine eu uso
fica na sua escolha manin, eu recomendo usar a construct, ela é mais simples e não envolve mto código, mas da uma pesquisada antes pra vc entender melhor como funciona certinho :)
Caraca cê br? Parabéns pelo trabalho incrivel
valeu cara, fico feliz com isso :D
Can I use this resource pack for my first game? is for my university project :D
yeah sure! wish you good luck! 😏
of course! thank you!! 😊😊
good luck, i hope you make great use of this pack.
Wow Ebic!!!
thanks! :D
This is one of the best platformer asset packs on itch!
Great job, love the style!
wow! thank you man! I'm glad you appreciate :D
Can I use it for game programming tutorial on youtube?
I will not share the sprites to people. I will give them the link to download it.
I only want my titorial look great.
Thx in advance!
P.s: the art style is very beautiful!
Keep up the good work!
Of course man! And good luck with the tutorial :D
Thank you!! :)
Thank you!
Really excellent work, I love the look! Do you take commissions for something in a similar style?
thanks! and yeah, send me an email on
br é?
sim manin
Got this with [ Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality ] and just want to say thanks, looks so breathtaking.
thanks you man! im glad that you liked :D
The font is missing the letter Q. Other than that, it's amazing.
Also W and M are switched I'm pretty sure.
And W isn't after V, it's after Y.
damn! i gonna fix that, thx for the info man! :D
You should add an _ too. I was gonna use this font on my credits like I used the whole game, but I have a name with Q, and you're o_lobster so, I guess I gotta use a different one :D.
You can just type olobster and that will be fine :)
Hi, I made a game from your asset pack. Thank you so much, i love it. It's on playstore
use one of the codes to redeem:
ei, vi a pagina lá, mas não to conseguindo resgatar o código :(, mas pelo que vi no trailer o jogo ta parecendo ser bem legal e divertido, tu conseguiu desenvolver exatamente do jeito que eu imaginava que o jogo seria :D bom trabalho manin, continue assim!!
Tenta esses
Na tela inicial, coloquei seu nome nos créditos. Se o jogo fizer algum dinheiro pretendo retornar uma parte para vc em forma de doação. Abraços.
não ta dando certo :(, mas não tem problema, faça bom uso dos assets meu caro amigo :D.
agradeço por isso!
hey, i used your assets in a game for the strange adaptation jam! i hope i did them justice :)
Heey! Good job man! nice song tho, and nice use of the assets aswell, it would be very cool to see an more worked level design, but anyway, best of luck for you! ;D
can i modify them for my game?
yeah sure!
Hello! I used this asset pack to make a turn-based artillery game like Worms and Gunbound, ended up with "Bombs = Magic" :) I hope I used your asset pack well :)

nice work man! i really like this type of game :D i hope you make great use of my asset aswell, if you manage to add more types of bombs it would be nice, keep up the good work! :)
Hi, I made a game with your asset in the United Game Jam!
Thank you for your awesome assets!
heey! nice job! the game is really fun, i liked the mechanics of the orbs :D
best of luck for you, i hope to see more projects! :)
hey, congrats! unfortunately my pc is an old potato, so I can't open the executable :( but in the future I'll play and give my thoughts :D BEST OF LUCK FOR YOU!
hi, you have 2 popular assets. and I wonder how you did it. did you just upload them or do something else? if not difficult then please answer.
well, these 2 packs were my first personal work, and tbh they weren't very difficult to do because I trained pixel art for a while, then I saw the opportunity to do assets and I just did. I think it was just lucky that they became popular. Idk if this answers your question
I'm using this assets for my first formal videogame! Thanks for did it
good luck with that! i hope this asset bring you any help :)
Hi, just want to make sure, can we use/share a purchased asset to more than one game/ more than one game developer?
Or it just licensed as a single product (one license for one game only).
you can use this asset in any way you like, the only thing you can NOT do is re-sell this asset pack
wow nice thanks for the confirmation :)
c'est super stylé ! Tu as fais ca en combien de temps ?
Merci! environ 3 semaines, excluant la partie de procrastination
Nice art style!
thanks! :)
Hello! I was wondering how many enemies this asset pack comes with?
6 enemies, but 2 of them are the same, just with a different color
Hmm! What sort of enemies are we talking?
the 2 goblins and mushroom, plus 2 flys creatures, 1 worm e 1 slime, of course i will add some more, but i need to see if this pack will be relevant
Okay, great! I really love your style, by the way. I'm thinking of making a micro-metroidvania that I can pump out in a few weeks of work, after a little bit of planning. This'll definitely be my go-to if I decide to run with it.
nice, i'll be glad to see your work with this pack :)